My heart was once filled with hope

My thoughts were of one desire

Now I feel my life is gone

Now I live in fear

The ones I love turn their back

The ones I like turn to

There’s only one I want and she thinks I belong in a zoo

She stole my heart

She entered my soul

She turned my world around

Now she’s gone nothings left

My hearts as black as coal

The tears that run once were blue

Now their as read as the blood stained soul

I loved her so

Gave her my all

One stupid text ruined it all

I spoiled my chance

I spoiled the love

I spoiled it with her an all

I text her to say how much I care

I text to give my love

I never meant to interfere

I never meat to stuff it up

I hurt my self

I hurt our love

I over reacted as usual

My love never stopped

My love never will

I'm just so sorry I spoiled it all


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