The love I have now is like a dying ember, in the pouring rain

It’s only fuel, the strike of lightning

The feelings surrounding love can be frightening and the shock you feel is not delighting

For lighting may cause more flames, but the fires are of destruction and the shock unpleasant

I’d rather my love fade in the pouring rain than to be aroused and awaken by the shock of lightning again

To remember what was once a fire is now a flame

I ask the question “why does the flame die?”

Many ask the question none know why.

All I know that my love is now a flame stuck in the pouring rain never to burn brightly never to shine again

Pitter patter the flame dies, pitter patter the rain, tears from my eyes

Pitter patter I’ve drowned my love in sorrow

Pitter patter the flame is out my love knows no tomorrow

Stephonz August 15th 2009 ©

Specially written for Amateur Poetry

By Vybz

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